The English department at Lord Selkirk Regional Comprehensive Secondary School offers a variety of different courses:
Grade 10 English
All grade 10 students are required to take EN20F. This course exposes students to practical texts, such as hard news articles and speeches; and creative texts, such as flash fiction and poetry. Students will examine novels, poetry, and a Shakespearean play (Romeo and Juliet or Julius Caesar).
Grade 11 English
Grade 11 Comprehensive English
In this course, students will continue to develop literacy skills by exploring a variety of texts, which may include poems, letters, short stories, speeches/presentations, novels, and a Shakespearean play (Macbeth). Students will be required to develop both practical and creative pieces.
Grade 11 Literary English
Literary English helps students develop an appreciation and understanding of creative and expressive language, as well as the ability to think critically about what they read. This course focuses on analyzing a variety of texts such as letters, short stories, novels, poems, and a Shakespearean play (Macbeth). Students will also work towards developing their own creative and practical pieces.
Grade 11 Transactional English
Transactional English helps students develop an understanding of a variety of non-fiction forms such as articles, brochures, speeches/presentations, debates, and essays. Students in this course will read a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts, which may include one or more novel studies and a Shakespearean play (Macbeth).
Grade 12 English
Grade 12 Comprehensive English
Students that wish to experience a variety of practical and creative texts, and are considering post-secondary education, should enroll in Comprehensive English. In this course, students will continue to develop literacy skills by exploring a variety of texts, which may include memoirs, poems, articles, short stories, speeches, novels, and a dramatic play. Students will be required to develop both practical and creative pieces. Students will write the ELA Provincial Standards Exam worth 30% of their final grade in this course.
Grade 12 Literary English
Students that would prefer to focus on creative texts, and are considering enrolling in post-secondary education, should enroll in Literary English. Literary English helps students develop an appreciation and understanding of creative and expressive language, as well as developing the ability to think critically about what they read. This course focuses on analyzing a variety of texts such as short stories, novels, poems, and a dramatic play. Students will also work towards developing their own creative and pragmatic pieces. Students will write the ELA Provincial Standards Exam worth 30% of their final grade in this course.
Grade 12 Transactional English
Students that enjoyed examining practical texts, and are focusing on entering the workplace after graduation, may prefer to focus on Transactional English. Transactional English helps students develop an understanding of a variety of non-fiction forms such as articles, memoirs, speeches, presentations, research based projects, and essays. Students in this course will read a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts, including (at least) one novel study. Students will write the ELA Provincial Standards Exam worth 30% of their final grade in this course.
Additional Grade 12 English Electives
English 1 - 1001-507 (University English)
In this course, we will examine prose, poetry, and drama written from a variety of historical periods and authorial and narrative perspectives. Classes will consist of a combination of lectures, group discussion, and an in-class presentation. If students successfully complete the course, they will receive a high school credit as well as 6 credit hours at a university level. This course is run in conjunction with the University of Winnipeg but offered in second semester at LSRCSS. Students must have completed EN40 prior to enrolling in this course.
Academic Writing: Multi-RHET-1105-507 (University Level Writing)
The purpose of this course is to develop your critical thinking and writing skills. You will learn and exercise fundamental reading, writing, editing, and researching skills that you will be able to use throughout your academic career, in a variety of disciplines. The readings and assignments in this course are designed to make you a better, more reflective, academic writer. Learning how to develop and evaluate an argument, organize an essay, and edit your writing will help you submit more effective, polished papers in your university courses - ultimately the kind of papers usually expected by your professors.
A World of Religions: A Canadian Perspective is a new Grade 12 course that examines the diversity of religions and religious perspectives. In this course, students will explore several different religious traditions and consider the diversity that exists within and between them. Students will have the opportunity to interact with people of different faiths and visit one or more religious gathering places. The development of religious literacy is central to this course. Through this process students will come to understand more about themselves and their personal perspectives about religion.