French & Spanish

Paris Town


Learn French and Spanish in a dynamic, culturally rich environment!

French Communication and Culture 10F, 20F , 30S , 40S

Lord Selkirk Regional School is pleased to offer the final 4 years of a 9 year program of French language study in our school division. Upon graduating with a credit in French 40S, successful students will be extremely well-prepared for post-secondary studies in French, as well as possess very advanced communication skills in French necessary for study, employment, travel and pleasure.

During the final 3 year course of study from grade 10 through 12, students will explore the music, food and culture of French-speaking peoples all over the world through various in-class learning activities and field trips. Our school offers a professionally guided 10 - 12 day trip to France and Spain every 2 years for students enrolled in French and / or Spanish for the duration of grades 10 through 12. The trip is open to students of French and / or Spanish in grades 11 or 12 of the travel year.

Spanish 20G , 30S , 40S

Lord Selkirk Regional School is pleased to offer a 3 year program of Spanish language study to students with little or no previous knowledge of Spanish. Upon graduating with a credit in Spanish 40S, successful students will be extremely well-prepared for post-secondary studies in Spanish, as well as possess advanced communication skills in Spanish necessary for study, business, travel and pleasure.

During the 3 year course of study from grade 10 through 12, students will explore the music, food and culture of Spanish-speaking peoples all over the world through various in-class learning activities and field trips. Our school offers a professionally guided 10 - 12 day trip to France and Spain every few years for students enrolled in Spanish and / or French for the duration of grades 10 through 12. The trip is open to students of Spanish and / or French in grades 11 or 12 of the travel year.

Why should one study a second language?

  • French and English are the two official languages in Canada, a fact which should be embraced and celebrated. It is an exceptional talent to be able to speak both of the official languages of one's own country.
  • Study of a second language is proven to improve the fluency in and comprehension of a person's first language.
  • Study of a second language fosters excellent communication skills in more than one language.
  • Many businesses, government agencies and fields of work are looking for bilingual employees to fulfill specific needs on the job.
  • Knowledge of a second language provides confidence in travelling to foreign countries.
  • Speaking French or Spanish makes you more attractive… universities, colleges and employers will love you!