


Entrance Requirements

A student entering the Hairstyling Program will work within a team atmosphere. Students will have the opportunity to gain valuable employability skills while working in our in-school salon, Studio 19 (@salonllsd). Key attributes for students entering the Hairstyling Major Program are: good manual dexterity, stamina, strong communication skills, colour vision and depth perception, respect, professionalism, enjoy a teamwork environment. Students must also understand and implement personal hygiene and maintain workplace health and safety standards.


To receive the LSRCSS Hairstyling Program Major, students must complete all requirements and the 12 Hairstyling credits. Students must maintain a cumulative 70% average and complete 1400 in school hours to be eligible to participate in the Apprenticeship Manitoba Practical Exam.


Students entering Exploration of Hairstyling or Grade 10 Hairstyling Major will be required to pay $35.00 lab fee to cover consumable products. Students entering the Grade 11 Hairstyling Major in the first semester will be required to purchase a professional scissor kit from the school for approximately $170.00. Grade 12 students will be required to purchase a haircutting mannequin from the school for approximately $90.00.


The LSRCSS Hairstyling Program is an accredited Red Seal Trade under the Apprenticeship and Trades Qualification Act of Manitoba. The program is designed in consultation with industry to ensure the curriculum meets employers' needs.

Students are eligible to complete the Provincial Practical Exam after acquiring 1400 in-school hours and completing all 12 credits in the program with a minimum 70 % average in in both theory and practical components. An Apprenticeship Manitoba examiner will administer this exam at LSRCSS. Students can gain employment as a paid apprentice at 16 years of age. These students must register with Apprenticeship Manitoba and work under a Red Seal Hairstylist. Students must be registered as a Hairstyling Major Student.
